Simple Photoshop Tips

Learn new useful tips using Photoshop
Tip 1 :Glow Effect
Change the lighting effect of any image using the Lighting filter.
  • Open an image on your canvas by clicking on File>Open, select the image you want to open and click on 'Open'.
  • Click on Filter>Render>Lighting Effects . The Lighting Effects window opens, change only the Light type to 'Omni' let the other settings be the default. If you wish to, try changing the default values and check out the result effect.

Disfigure/Distort an Image

  • Open an image which you want to disfigure.
  • Select Filter>Liquify. The Liquify window opens, a circular cursor with a plus sign appears. Drag this tool on your image and play around till you are satisfied with what you've done to the image. Then click OK.

Stained Glass Effect

  • Open an image on your canvas by clicking on File>Open and select the image you want to open, then click 'Open'. The effect looks good only on bitmap images, but you can try it out on photos too. The effect varies for different images.
  • Click on Filter>Texture>Stained Glass the Stained Glass window appears, give the following properties : Cell size - 5, Border Thickness - 1, Light Intensity - 0. Then click on OK.

Ripple Effect

Give a ripple effect to an image using filters
  • Open an image on your canvas.
  • Click on Filter>Distort>Zigzag. The ZigZag window will open.
  • Give the settings as follows : Amount - 6, Ridges - 14, Style - Pond Ripples and click OK. Here's your final image.

Tip 2 :Great Looking Textures

Canvas Texture

  • Open an image on your canvas by clicking on File>Open and selecting an image.
  • Click on Filter>Texture>Texturizer. The Texturiser properties window appears.
  • Give the following values : Texturizer, Texture - Canvas, Scaling - 75% , Relief - 9 , Light - top
  • Click on OK.

Glass Texture

  • Open an image on your canvas by clicking on File>Open and selecting an image to open.
  • Click on Filter>Distort> Glass. The Glass properties window appears. Give the following settings :Glass, Distortion - 9 , Smoothness - 4 , Texture - Canvas, Scaling - 100%
  • Click on OK and check out your result.

3D Pyramid Texture

  • Open an image on your canvas by clicking on File>Open and browse for the image you want to open.
  • Click on Filter>Stylize>Extrude. The Extrude window will open. Give the settings as follows : Type - pyramids Size - 15 Depth - 15, select Level Based, check Mask Incomplete Blocks.

Tile Effect

  • Open an image on your canvas by clicking on File>Open and browse for the image you want to open.
  • Click on Filter>Stylize> Tiles. The Tile window will open. Give the settings as follows : Number of tiles - 5, Maximum offset - 5, select Background color.
  • Here's your final result.

Tip 3: Exporting individual images in Photoshop
When you save images for the web using Photoshop.
After slicing your images, click on File/Save for web. The following screen will appear :

Save as type: Now the tip is: Choose Images Only.
Settings: Choose Other
The following screen will appear :

The next tip is:
Unclick the Put images in folder. This tip will help you avoid unnecessary creation of the image folder.
Slices: Choose selected slices.


Tip 4: Giving gradients to shapes.
  1. Selectcustom shape tool from the tools panel.
  2. Click on the Shape drop down menu seen on the top toolbar.
  3. Click on the arrow and select Object.
  4. Select Fill pixels (third button seen in the tools panel in the left).
  5. Look for the puzzle shape which is there and drag it to the canvas with the size you want.
  6. Click on magic wand tool and select the shape.
  7. Create a gradient. Go to Paint Bucket Tool and click on the dropdown menu
  8. Select Gradient tool.
  9. On the top panel the following panel will appear.
  10. Select Noise Samples from the dropdown menu of gradient tool and chose the gradient which has red gradient.
  11. Choose Mode as linear burn.
  12. Now click inside the shape and drag from top to down. Your shape with gradient is ready.


logo design using Photoshop

Smart, Colorful and unique Bird Logo

Let's start designing the logo. It's very simple.
Step 1:
Open a new file by clicking on File>Open.
Step 2:
Create a new layer. Name it logo.
Step 3: Choose the custom shape tool seen in the tools panel on the right.

The above panel will appear.
Step 4: Click on the Shape drop down menu seen on the top toolbar. Click on the arrow and select Animals. Select style as Buttons. Look for the multicolor button which is there. Look for the bird which is in the banner and drag it to the canvas with the size you want.

Wow! Your nice colorful Bird logo is ready!

Bright Sun Logo

Follow the steps:
Step 1:Choose the custom shape tool seen in the tools panel on the right. Click on the Shape drop down menu seen on the top toolbar. Click on the arrow and select Nature. Select Fill pixels (third button seen in the tools panel in the left). Look for the sun symbol which is there and drag it to the canvas with the size you want.
Step 2:Now click on magic wand tool and select the sun. Now create a gradient. Select Gradient tool. Select Color harmonies2 from the dropdown menu of gradient tool and chose the gradient which has orange to yellow gradient. Now click on the sun and drag from top to down. Your sun have the sun effect now.
Step 3:To make the text appear on top of the sun.
Click on and the below panel will appear on top of the photoshop file.
Select T and the below screen will appear.
Warp Text Screen Click on style as Arc Say ok.

Now you can write your company name.

Your logo is ready!

Here is the logo we designed for the Free Photoshop website template 2.
Follow the steps:
Choose the custom shape tool seen in the tools panel on the right. Click on the Shape drop down menu seen on the top toolbar. Click on the arrow and select Ornaments. Look for the ornament which is in the banner of website header 2. Here give color as Black. Drag the shape to the canvas.

Here is the logo we designed for the Free Photoshop website template 3.
Follow the steps:
custom shape tool seen in the tools panel on the right. Go to Shape toolClick on this Shape drop down menu. Click on the arrow and select Symbols. Look for the star symbol which is in the banner of website header 2. Click on the color as #A83C56.
Drag the star in the canvas.

Smart Star Logo
Follow the steps:
Choose the custom shape tool seen in the tools panel on the right. Click on the Shape drop down menu seen on the top toolbar. Click on the arrow and select Nature. Select style as Texture. Look for the pixelated texture which is there. Look for the star which is in the banner and drag it to the canvas with the size you want.

Your logo is ready!

Attractive Fire Logo
Follow the steps:
Step 1:First choose the custom shape tool seen in the tools panel on the right. Click on the Shape drop down menu seen on the top toolbar. Click on the arrow and select Symbols. Look for the first symbol which is in the banner.Select Fill pixels (third button seen in the tools panel in the left). Drag the fire symbol to the canvas.
Step 2:Now click on magic wand tool and select only the flames.
Step 3: Now create a gradient. Select Gradient tool. Select Color harmonies2 from the dropdown menu of gradient tool and chose the gradient which has orange to yellow gradient. Now click on the flames and drag from top to down. Your flames have the color effect of fire.
Step 4:Now choose the wood with magic wand tool and select the wood. Now choose a wood color like brown and fill it while choosing paint tool. Now go to filter/pixelate/fragment to get the wood effect.
Your fire logo is ready!
Congratulations! Your logo design is ready!


Designing website banner with a logo using Photoshop

Simple step-by-step tutorial on how to create a web site banner and logo in Photoshop. The sample .psd and completed website are also included. A banner or a header is a graphic that is found at the top of a web site which usually displays the company name and the logo. It is often the first thing a person sees when they open the website. The blending of colors should be attractive, informative, comfortable for the eye and help to convince the viewer to stay on your site.

Let's start with our banner. Here we have a general banner and the colors used are soothing to the eyes. It can be used for a fashion and beauty banner or a personal or holiday banner as well.

Follow the below steps to create the above website banner :

Step 1 : Creating the banner size
Open a new file by clicking on File>Open. Make the file size width of 780px and height of 120px. You can go till 140px for the height. You can make a banner flexible according to your design.
Step 2: Giving the background color
Create a new layer. Name it bgcolor. Give a background color by doing the following:
  • Change the foreground color to #E4D1B8.
  • Click on the Paint Bucket Tool seen in the tools panel on the right.
  • Click on the canvas with your mouse. Your background color is now changed to the new color.
Step 3 : Giving the inside background color
Create a new layer. Name it insidecolor. Select Rectangular Marquee Tool seen in the tools panel on the right. Make the rectangle size width of 760px and height of 100px inside the background. Fill it with color # C64866 using the paint bucket tool.
Step 4 : Creating the logo background
Create a new layer. Name it logobkg. Select Rectangular Marquee Tool. Make the rectangle size width of 120px and height of 100px. Put the rectangle in the left side of the banner. Fill it with black color # 000000.
Step 5 : Creating a logo using the custom shape tool
Create a new layer. Name it logo. Choose the custom shape tool seen in the tools panel on the right. Click on the Shape drop down menu seen on the top toolbar. Click on the arrow and select Ornaments. Look for the ornament which is in the banner.
Drag it in the logo space and position it so it comes in the middle of the logo background. Now you have a temporary ornament as a logo which can be replaced with your company logo if needed.

Step 6 : Creating the vertical lines in the banner
Create a new layer. Name it band. Select Rectangular Marquee Tool. Make the rectangle size width of 7px and height of 120px. Put the rectangle in the middle of the banner. Fill it with color # E8B0BD. Make four copies of the layer band.
To make a copy, right click on the layer and click on duplicate. A screen named Duplicate Layer will appear.

Enter name of the layer as band copy. Click on OK. Do the same with band copy2, band copy3, band copy4. Place the bands properly in the banner.
Step 8 : Creating the Logo Border
Create a new layer. Name it border. Select Rectangular Marquee Tool. Make the rectangle size width of 20px and height of 100px. Fill it with color # A63D56. Put the rectangle on the right of the logo background. Make a copy and place the new rectangle on the left of the logo background.

Step 9 : Creating the dashed lines
Now select the Horizontal Type Tool (text tool). Type" _________" using the hyphen key. Place it on the top of the banner. Make a copy, right click on the layer and click on duplicate. Place it at the bottom of the banner.

Step 10 : Adding your Company Name
With the text tool type your company name or website name with the color # FCF3E5.

Congratulations! Your website banner with the logo is ready!